Friday, December 27, 2013

Insta Friday (December 27, 2013)

A Week in the Life....last blast of Christmas iPhone Pix...

Silly Girl with one of her Christmas Projects

Helping "Fix" Ally's Hair
What you don't see here is Kayla's new haircut and the big deal we made about it....
After The Kiddos and I left for our company Christmas party, Miss Thing took her "kid's safety scissors" and gave herself a haircut! UGH ;)

Silly Girls of Pharm Strat

Thanks to my friend Alison for capturing some iPhone pix at the girl's Christmas Party at School
Diana and Aliya

One last message for Diana from Relf the Elf

The girls in Mrs Pappalardo's class...don't they look like 8th graders?  hysterical

Ally captured this one for me...on our way home Monday night....sometimes the cheesier the better (especially for kiddos)

Making the Zeppolis on Christmas Eve


Hope you all had a magical Christmas...we sure did!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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