Friday, December 7, 2012

Insta Friday (December 7, 2012)

Insta Friday
life rearranged

My week...through the eyes of my phone

This week?  Lots of "Holiday Happenings"

More Elf Antics

A date to Village Bean with my girl for a "smoothly" ;)

Power Walk on the Rail pretty...

Warming up after with some peppermint hot chocolate

Our self-portrait of the week

A fantastic date night!  Here is our stuffed artichoke appetizer ...haven't had one of these since my grandmothers have dad calls them the Italian name (forgive my misspellings- "scacciofolas"

Construction finally began this week!  Things are getting fixed and back to normal after the hurricane

Someone was spoiled by Mimi and Papa again...a visit to Santa...this time?  SUCCESS :)

Some beautiful Christmas lights in town

Hope you all had a terrific week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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