Friday, December 14, 2012

Insta Friday (December 14, 2012)

life rearranged

A Week in the Life..............

Feeding our construction team....they LOVE it :)

All of these festive creations made by me...ideas courtesy of Pinterest

One of my favorite seasonal items

More Elf Antics

Fun night with the MacDonalds!  Diana and Erin put together a rock band ;)

One of my random acts of kindness from 12*12*12- I made this festive Christmas treat and dropped off boxes of it to my four closest friends in town (another recipe from Pinterest)

Diana did a great job putting together her wreath ornament at the library on Wednesday night!

Feeling spoiled- holiday present from my boss :)

and a surprise at work yesterday!  My darling hubby sent me roses!

Hope you had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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