Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love/Hate (Summer Edition)

Welcome to my first Love/Hate post
Linking up with the Creator, Noel HERE

I love these beautiful blue hydrangeas from my mom's yard
I hate that they only bloom for a very short time each summer

I love growing a garden and watching our veggies bloom 
I hate that we may not be here to enjoy the fruits of our labor this year

I love this man more than life itself
I hate that he has to have surgery tomorrow :(

I love that she can put on her own "flip flops" and shoes now
I hate how fast the time goes by


  1. I am linking up from love/hate.
    I have the same issue with flowers and with my garden this year. We will be out of town when a lot of the stuff is ready. I am bummed about that. But my bff is going to pick it and enjoy it.

  2. I totally love Hydrena's as well. They remind me of a very close friend of mine who my husband tattooed them on. It turned out to be one of her favorite tattoos which made us both really happy. What does your hubby have to have surgery for? Your lil girl is so sweet. Thank u so much for linking up. I loved your list;)

  3. Hi I am following you from the Love/Hate link up from Beautiful Life and like what you posted. I really hope the surgery goes well and I do agree time does fly when you look at your little one and see how big there are now. My first just turned 8 this month and I wondered where the time went.
    Hope you follow back.
