Friday, June 8, 2012

Insta Friday

 life rearranged

Capturing a Week In The Life via iPhone pix

 Self- Portrait "Pre Date Night"

 Date Night = Apps at Tuscan Kitchen and....

and the WHS Football Coaches Comedy Night...such a blast

Saturday meant Alexis's Kindergarten Graduation and later on, Strawberry Festival!

Leaving the house all week for showings...means eating out more than we would like to BUT hoping we get a buyer soon!

Rosa won the office contest- BEACH BASKET!

Dance Pix!

Monkey went strawberry picking with Mimi and Papa and picked this quart by herself!

Daddy made PRESIDENT'S LIST at SNHU- woohoo- so proud!

Busy but fantastic week!  Zach's Confirmation, Diana's Dance Dress Rehearsal, Lots of productive business meetings....quality family time...hope you all had a great week!

Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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