Friday, June 15, 2012

Insta Friday (June 15, 2012)

life rearranged

Capturing the beauty in an every day life via my iPhone....
Not as good about taking pix this week...stress level at a high...lots going on ...captured most of these over the weekend...

First time our town has seen this...first ever graduating class of Windham High School and the ENTIRE town is can't tell because of the app I chose on my phone but these colors are blue and gold :)

"Queen of College Row" the lovely Miss Rosa

Dance Recital Time for Monkey!  She did so well :)

Rainbow Fairy Cupcakes courtesy of Deb at Private Island Cakes

Craft Time Backstage with Dance Pal Claire
 Proud kisses from Daddy after an "incredible performance" ;)

Beautiful necklace (gift from Claire's Mom Miss Debbie)

That night...still has energy to play dress ups...aaahhhh!

Sunday meant a trip to the ER...not fun...Monkey ended up with a urinary tract infection :(

Last night...

Hope everyone had a much more calm week than I did...linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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