Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

A Great Day to Celebrate DAD!

We started by bringing my Dad Honeydew Donuts per his request.  Had a nice little visit :)

Later on, Rob got to spend some QT time with ZB and then we brought Chinese Food over to Papa Bob and shared some QT with the girls

I was bad about taking pics yesterday...we have alot going on and I am not very organized right now...

but I did happen to sneak this shot last night as Robby was unwinding with "The Monk"
We surprised Daddy with a weekend away at "the lake."  Since we have been together (10 years or so), I have resisted going to the lake.  I am an ocean girl.  However, I felt he finally put in his time so the "mini-fam" is going to sneak away this summer and head up to Lake Winnipesaukee for an overnight.  I told Rob, we can do whatever he wants to...he will just have to teach me...especially if it involves paddle boating or fishing!

Happy Father's Day my deserve the best!

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