Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superbowl Sunday!

I need to preface this post by writing that we are all disappointed in the outcome of the game (around here anyway).  The Patriots let us down and although the game was very exciting, it was a true heart breaker in the end.  Nevertheless, we had one of our most fun superbowls ever!

We started by having lunch over at Grammy and Papa's- they went all out...chicken wings...boneless pork...greek salad...chili....and so much more!

Grammy and her beautiful salad...

Papa and "the meat" :)

After lunch we went home for a nap (well I napped while my awesome hubby entertained the Monk)...
After my nap, I finished preparing the treats we were bringing to our friends for the game

First, here is a picture of my Football Cheese Ball (enjoy the recipe here! FOOTBALL )

and then I made these cute little "Rice Krispie Treat Footballs"

and then we headed over to our friends' the Cooneys...and had a great time
(They even made arrangements for their daughter Colleen to babysit Diana next door with some little friends- Diana had a BLAST and didn't even look back at us once when Colleen walked her next door- unreal!)

Here are some pix of the hooligans that we partied with ;)

Jan (Our lovely hostess)

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