Friday, January 13, 2012

Insta Friday

life rearranged

A tough week as Daddy was away on business for most of it...but we made it through with plenty of quality fam time, laughs and good meals!
On Friday night, before Daddy left, Mimi and I went into Boston to pick out Diana's pictures for her composite card- yes I am that crazy to try and capture some Boston Brownstones while driving...not smart and as my mother would call me "a real geek"  ha ha!

The next morning I took Daddy to the airport...came home and Diana immediately asked for her "pink" aka lip gloss

My poor Bud Zach suffered through conjunctivitis so we took extra special care of him

and then we tracked Daddy's flights of course (I usually have three websites up at once!) Flight Aware is my fave though

Later on it was time for Miss Fiona's birthday party (she is one of Diana's dance pals)

and later on, two nice suprises
First, Kayla came over for a visit :)

and then BFF Cass and Alexis suggested a girls' night...we went to Rainforest Cafe..the girls were thrilled and off the wall of course ;)

Sunday was a good day to get the chores done and get organized for the week but not before some cozy time with movies and a quick girls trip to Orange Leaf in Andover for Fro Yo...since I started my new regime, I made sure mine was fat free, sugar free and topped with awesome fruit...delish 

Found another guilty pleasure Sunday night..."Dance Moms"..ugh...they make me sick but it is like a train wreck...I couldn't stop watching...on a more positive note, I got a picture text from my hubby before I "attempted sleep" (don't sleep when he is gone- it's pretty bad)

Morning essential

I do love making Zach's lunch....I guess he liked it too because he texted me later on about how awesome it was (and truly made my day)
Monday was also Ally's 19th we had a fun little bday dinner out and then a cake at home
and here is Monkey trying to copy her big sister :)
Most of the week after this is a blur...lots of work and stress and back to the workout happy to pick up Daddy on Wed night...I exhaled and slept for 8 straight hours on Wed night!
Here is my car clock from this morning...just to prove that I did circuit training last night and I was back at the gym by 5:30am this morning...bring it!
and now...breakfast of champions...iced green tea and fresh fruit
Hope you all had a great week!

Linking Up with Life Rearranged


  1. I get sucked into Dance Moms when there's nothing else on. You're right, it's like a train wreck! you have to watch, even though you don't wanna...

    such a SWEET note from your hubby!!

  2. Sounds like you are sticking to your New Year's plan..I found your blog through instaFriday...your daughter is a cutie! and Dance is an addictive train wreck lol

  3. Jodi- it is disturbing isn't it? but oh so good! ;)

  4. Hi Melissa- thank you! "addictive train wreck" is the perfect description for Dance Moms yes!
