Sunday, December 11, 2011

North Conway with The Fourniers

We just got home from a great weekend away with the Fourniers.  My BFF Cassandra invited us to join her and her fam at their timeshare up north.  

The girls had so much fun (although Diana was the off the wall and we are really going through a ROUGH patch of horrible 3's to say the least...we made the most of it)

On our way up, we stopped for lunch at a cool diner 

and grabbed a few treats at the candy shop next door of course ;)

It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed a leisurely ride up Route 16.  When we got there, we had some fun at the condo and enjoyed a laid back dinner at The Smoke and Water Grill.

Saturday was our "BIG DAY"...we had planned our excursion to Santa's Village...we were so excited!
(As the day went on...we slowly realized that driving another hour and a half in the freezing cold...bundling the kiddos and us up and lugging our strollers and all our gear along with thousands of other people...while thousands of kids were having meltdowns...well...left much to be desired)

We made the most of it and these pictures were captured before we threw in the towel early afternoon...the "BIG DAY" turned into a rough yet funny one!

Before the mayhem, we enjoyed coffee in front of the AWESOME fireplace

and then....da da dah......

Since we got back to he condo early, Rob and Steve took the girls swimming and Cass and I enjoyed some cocktails along with my blue cheese dip

Later on, we headed to the Muddy Moose for dinner and I swear, the entertainment returned with a loud, drunken wouldn't believe me if I told you the stories, it was that insane!

Sunday meant heading home.  We made a quick trip to the fantabulous outlets to pick up a few Christmas gifts...stopped for lunch at another awesome place called The Whittier House in Ossippee- wonderful weekend with wonderful grateful.

1 comment:

  1. You're way better than me! I'm not sure if I would have braved the crowds! But looks like everyone had fun.

    I'm telling you, I don't think the two's are bad, they really should change it to the terrible threes! My daughter had a REAL rough 3rd year! ;o)
