Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things (2nd Year)- #26

The Layaway Angels

Some angels have been visiting Kmart stores across the country and paying off people's layaways.  I saw the story on the news a few mornings ago and watched people's reactions... it is almost like the angels knew what people to help as woman was buying coats for her children..her and her little girl immediately started crying and she explained after that this generous gift came at just the right time as she has two kids in college and both of the family's cars had broken down.

This act of random kindness has completely inspired me.  Will it inspire you?  It does not have to be much but it can truly change someone's Christmas for the better.

This generosity and pure magic is spreading throughout KMarts and now Walmarts across the country.

I am going to finish my Favorite Things List for 2011 with this post.  I hope it sticks.  It truly became my favorite thing this Christmas.

Please take this post and act to help someone.

Our family was truly in a tough place last year and I will never forget the support we received from family and friends....through all the stress and uncertainty last year, it still became one of the most magical Christmases ever.

This year we have been in such a great place so my husband and I have tried to give back every week of this holiday season.  We hope that we did make a difference in some people's lives.  We will now be paying a visit to KMart to squeeze in one more act of kindness in 2011.  Won't you join us?

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