Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

Another Spectacular Christmas

Monkey was so excited to wake up to "more presents from Santa?!"

Her big gift was a portable DVD player with a collection of 12 classic Disney movies
 New Barbie Phone (just like Mama's iPhone) :)
 Shopping carriage complete with groceries!

 The Ariel Tub Doll

 Dress Up Clothes!

and then the rest of the kiddos joined us and the opening frenzy began!

When Grammy and Papa arrived, it was another opening frenzy (overboard again!)

and then Mimi and Papa and Aaron arrived and our group was complete!
We started with Christmas cocktails, hot crab dip and filets wrapped in bacon

and then we enjoyed a traditional Italian Christmas Dinner
Our first course was gnocchis that my parents got at Bella in Medford

After that is was Pork Crown Roast, Cornbread and Black Cherry Stuffing, Grammy's Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beens with Bacon and Shallots, Salad and Parker House Rolls

 MY Clark Griswold :)

Obligatory Family Shots before Dessert

and Mr. Aaron blessed us with the most delicious homemade rum cake (he is quite the baker!)

We also had Mum's decadent Christmas Cookies, Gram's Custard Pie, My chocolate peppermint dessert and plenty more

After the feeding frenzy and the last guest had left...we settled in for one more showing of Christmas Vacation...we just can't get enough of that movie!

Merry Christmas to you my friends!

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