Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

My daughter's love of Halloween and being able to share in her excitement and live through the eyes of a child

Being able to scare her (I know it sounds twisted but hear be out) with the threat of calling the police- Diana is not scared of anything-she is a fearless child UNLESS you bring the police up- if she thinks you are going to call them if she is doing something bad or if she hears a siren in the distance and knows she is not listening, she straightens right up and gets in the zone...what makes this even more funny is that Rob and Zack have a police siren app on their iPhones and play it and that is when she is really scared into doing the right thing- twisted but hysterical and grateful we have something to keep her on the right path (10% of the time anyway)

see photo above- just LOVE the dinner still on her mouth! Don't you?

For the great team my business partner and I have put together- they make it so fun to go to work and I love looking at the young girls with their whole lives in front of them and remembering when I was their age trying to impress my bosses- they are keeping me young!

For the power of prayer and the fact that we are here- looking back to a year ago, I am so grateful for where we are today and that we have pulled through some of our toughest days

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