Sunday, September 11, 2011

"If You Build It, They Will Run" 5k at Windham High School

It was my third 5K ever but it was the HARDEST thing I have ever had to do physically.  This race was very different from others as the course took us through the woods on the high school's cross country was pure TORTURE.  I am soooo sore today!

I am SO HAPPY however that I did proud and for a great cause.  Since our track vote has failed several times in town, the students took it upon themselves to start raising funds and try to get a track built!  I had to partake in this event because I believe in it so much!

I had the best  partners- Bill and Barry. We got to know each other during the Biggest Loser competition and have been very supportive.  Both could run much faster than me, however, they stayed with me and encouraged me to keep going- great friends!

We had a blast and yes I am glad it is over!  ha ha  :)

Diana and Daddy made Mama a Diana is "getting it ready"

At the field, with my partners Barry and Bill or as I named us "Team Spice Girls"- it was a  joke during Biggest Loser...Barry would trash talk with Bill and pretty much harass him for liking the Spice Girls tunes the best during our workouts
Monkey was all serious about  holding up her sign- so cute and so much so, they took her picture for the paper!

Here we are getting our instructions and starting off!

Rob started capturing more pics as we came around the final can't see it, my I was pretty much dying here
Crossing the Finish Line- Thank GOD!

and after....look at those RED faces!!

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