Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apple Picking and the Start of Fall in New Hampshire

I had all the best intentions on Sunday.  Best intentions you ask?  Well YES!  I was going to bring the family to the beach...it was supposed to be 75 and sunny and I need to get there as much as possible.

Well Sunday arrives and the weathermen started saying it would only be 65 at best at the shore and that put a wrinkle in my plans- UGH

Besides the fact, my muscles were sore...I was sunburned from Zack's football game and still exhausted.  We decided to keep it simple and welcome Fall (I did so with my tail between my legs)

It ended up being a really special "mini-fam day" though

We enjoyed mass at 9:30 and then headed to do some early apple picking (lots of the apples are not ready yet but we decided to pick some and let Diana have some fun) and then we did our groceries and some organization around the house.  It was a quality fam day and oh so fun....I topped our day off by making a wonderful Fall dinner- Caramel Apple Porkchops and Roasted Veggies- just delish.  Rob trumped me by making a peach cobbler with the peaches we also got at the orchard- great day-really can't complain...but Mr. Ocean, I miss you already...

and this is Miss Thing back at home modeling her little "miliary jacket ensemble" with us- hee hee

and my fall dinner...

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