Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

Wow..I am late with this! Life has been CRAZY!

I am thankful for some excellent summertime reading

Beautiful weather for a drink on the deck with friends

Enjoying a cocktail with my stepdaughter who is 21-can't believe it- quality girl time-priceless

Family wedding fun

The first dip into the Atlantic Ocean but more importantly seeing Diana's pure joy being in the ocean

For being able to be the better person

For being respected for my work and for being given an opportunity that I could have only dreamed of

For Mary's listening ear

For our health

For our sanity

For a great rehearsal and the anticipation of another fun show together

For some of the best people I have ever had the honor of working second family... I am filled with such mixed emotions but I am grateful for these bonds that will never be broken

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