Friday, May 6, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

so grateful for exercise and willpower...Down 12 pounds and not stopping..."can't stop, won't stop"...that's for you Christine

Spontaneous time with my up...priceless!

Looking smashing in a dress for Ally's graduation AND it is ONE SIZE SMALLER...I almost cried in the dressing room! So excited :)

Neon that it is becoming more popular...adding a few more pieces to the wardrobe :)

Grammy and Papa's chicken pot pie family dinner...several laughs watching Papa's old commercials for Breton Brothers Ideal Foods and enjoying the pie that Oprah has been raving about! (even Monk liked it!)

Polar Bob and my new polar watch! Now I know where my heart rate needs to be when I am working out, in order to burn fat and maximize my calorie burning...such an invention...I am psyched!

New friends...meeting through a healthy activity like exercise is good for the soul

Dance pals

Spring and my hubby buying the supplies for Mimi's and my garden...can't wait to start building and planting!

My mother...the best ever...Happy Mother's Day to this gorgeous woman!

1 comment:

  1. so many things to be thankful for! you are one blessed lady!

    Happy Early Mother's day!
