Friday, April 1, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

In honor of the Ultimate Blog Party, I am contributing with my personal blog post!

For all of you new here, my name is Holly. I was born and bread in New England and still reside here. I will always need to live close to the ocean and visit the beach as much as possible.

On August 14, 2004, I married my best friend and soul mate Rob!

I not only lucked out with finding this wonderful man, but I was also lucky to inherit his three great kids who I am proud to call my stepchildren-Kayla, Ally & Zack. We also became a family on August 14th.

A few years later, God gave us the greatest gift of all- our daughter Diana Mary

I have spent the last 15 years working in the staffing industry. I have enjoyed building businesses...turning businesses around and managing teams. After Diana was born, the owner of my firm has allowed me to work from home two days a week. This was one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. So I am a working mom from the burbs!
My greatest professional accomplishment, thus far, was saving the company OPIS. I could not have done it alone. I had the best team to help me do this and now have plenty of memories to last forever!

We are so lucky to have the parents we have! Look at this group- they found the fountain of youth, huh?

I have the BEST girlfriends ever and could not live without them!

We spend our time, raising our family, in a great New England town where we are truly a big part of the community. We enjoy volunteering for the kids' activities as well as being part of groups that allow us to explore our passions at the same time! God has been very good to us and Mary continues to provide us with every day miracles :) We are truly blessed!

Pink Lady is my blog and my creative outlet. Pink Lady allows me to have an electronic scrapbook, if you will. I am able to record our life and memories for generations to come.


  1. HI! It is so nice to meet you from the UBP! You have a beautiful family!! & sounds like you do have the best friends (they can be few and far between)

    many hugs!

    You can find my party here

  2. Welcome to the party! I hope you enjoy yourself.

  3. Loved your pictures and enjoyed your blog

    what a fun party. I have enjoyed finding so many new blogs..

    Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a jumping through hoops.


  4. Loved your pictures and enjoyed your blog

    what a fun party. I have enjoyed finding so many new blogs..

    Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a jumping through hoops.


  5. I enjoyed visiting your blog--what a lovely family you have...and little Diana Mary is adorable.

    Hope you'll stop by my book/reading blog,

    Be sure and leave a comment!


  6. Dropping by to say "Hi"!
    Take care,
    Char from UBP #372

  7. stopping in to say hi. hope you're enjoying the party. check out my blog!
