Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Diana in the Spring of 2011

I cannot believe she is going to be 3 in 4 short months! I wanted to share some fave pix from the last month or so...It is Spring time...certain days, though, it has felt more like winter but hey! We are making the most of the sunshine when we can!

Hamming it Up Before the Daddy Daughter Dance!

The Morning After- Someone Had a Little Too Much Fun at the Dance! Can you say WILD hair?

Dance Pals!

Getting a butterfly painted on her face (at Emma's Princess Party)- she was so mad when we needed to wash it off that night!

Following in Daddy's Footsteps- rockin' out on her guitar

Chilly Day on the Swings!

So...we Came Home to Warm Up with Some Hot Chocolate :)

Raincoat for Those April Showers

A Dress Like Alexis's (Thanks Again Gymboree!)


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