Monday, September 22, 2008

The Good Days...The Little Things...Like Diana's First Bath!

So it is the little things...the little things that remind me how much my life has changed because of this little baby. Good days for me used to be when I could run the equivalent of a 5k with ease...or start a Saturday with coffee with Cass and then bounce around doing fun errands and finishing up with a fun night out!

Now, my good days are ones where Diana eats 20 ounces or has a poop in her diaper! Insane? I think not. I know many moms who have gone through this transformation as well. I think that is what they call our "initiation" if you will.

Don't get me wrong...I am still the fun person I was...I am just a little preoccupied and sleep-deprived right now...but it is all worth it.

The moments make it worth it...the moments like Diana's first bath. She absolutely loved the water!!!! She is turning into a butterball and I just can't get enough of her! (Stay tuned for that video- it is too large to get on the blog right now- we are trying to figure out how to compress it)

In the meantime, enjoy this one of her "fake cry" :)

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