Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mum's 60th Birthday Celebration Weekend!

We were able to enjoy such a nice weekend for my mom. My parents paid for Rob and I and Matt and Gina to join them in Portsmouth for the weekend. Well we had a BALL and really discovered that we are a VERY fun group...not trying to brag...just the truth!

We enjoyed staying in a suite overlooking the ocean in New Castle at Wentworth by the Sea...a spa on the ocean...and what a spa it was!!!

We met up at the Fox Run mall Saturday morning and really enjoyed the "South Beach" store that my mom loves so much. She treated Gina and me to a piece of jewelry each- Gina picked a funky pair of sterling silver earrings and I picked a funky silver watch...we had so much fun and I swear the three of us browsed in there for about an hour!!!

Prior to that, while waiting for my parents, Rob and I made a special trip to the Baby Gap and bought Diana her first outfit!!! It is the most ADORABLE mini jean skirt with flowers on it, a white tee shirt onesie and a fisherman's hat to match the skirt that has the same flowers on it- I really want to BITE THE SKIRT because it is SOOOO FLIPPIN CUTE!!! Everyone was hysterical over it becasue it is sooo small...she will be able to wear it at birth!! :)

After the mall, we headed to the Wentworth and enjoyed a fun lunch in the lounge. Matt and Mum got the lobster roll and honestly they were the biggest sandwiches we have EVER SEEN....never seen so much lobster in one place...they were pleased. Rob got a great burger...Dad got a rueben and Gina and I enjoyed the spicy thai chicken wings...did I mention this baby craves spicy food? Really weird! Anyway...we had some laughs...especially when it came to "napples" (private joke)...we laughed the way you do when you lose your breath...God was that good therapy!

After lunch, we got to check in and we were in AWE...my parents and I agreed that our place at the beach, some day, only needs to be a two bedroom townhouse, just like our Wentworth accommodations...it was just so beautiful and perfect.

So we got settled in and then dove right into a game of Scene It and had some big time laughs. I then surprised mum with her favorite kind of birthday cake- gold with butter cream frosting and we all indulged in cake and champagne.

We wiped ourselves out so much, everyone agreed it was nap time so that is what we did.

A few hours later, we got ready and headed into downtown Portsmouth. We ended up grabbing a cas dinner at the Gaslight Company...I had a tuna wrap with a side salad and the tuna, honestly, was the best tuna I have had in my entire life. My mom also tried it and agreed and said their secret ingredient was dill so NATURALLY we will be adding dill to our tuna moving forward.

After dinner, we decided that we liked the lounge at the Wentworth so much, we would head back there for the entertainment and then call it a night. They had a great jazz singer who also played the piano and we stayed there for a drink. I got really crazy and ordered an herbal tea which was fantastic ;)

The next morning, Rob treated me to a massage in the spa...it was a maternity massage and even though I was still in pain from Friday's procedure, I really enjoyed it. The therapist was so considerate and really focused on my back, neck and legs and it was WONDERFUL...Rob got a massage too and was quite pleased. After our massages, we took a dip in the inside pool and relaxed for a bit more.

Later on, the entire group went to the Wentworth Jazz Brunch and it was FANTASTIC...of course we laughed even harder...my brother ordered chocolate milk...enough said...if you know my hubby, you know my brother, NEVER LIVED IT DOWN!!! ha haa...Happy 60th Mum!! I can't believe I am writing this. You don't even look 40 and I am SO GRATEFUL that you are so youthful and fun and willing to do anything to keep having fun with life!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Holly! Just wanted to let you know that you've been "tagged."

