Monday, September 10, 2007

CAbi Show!

Cassandra and I hopped on over to Denise's on Sunday. She invited us over for a CAbi show and brunch. CAbi stands for Carol Anderson by Invitation. She is a clothing designer who only sells her lines through private consultants/house parties.

Her clothing is exquisite...we were hoping to walk away with nothing however the wraps were irresistible!! We both purchased the same two items! Too funny. We now need to make sure that we don't wear them the same day. I wish I had photos of them.

The chocolate brown wrap we got will be beautiful over a chocolate brown turtleneck or long sleeve teeshirt. The grey wrap sweater will be adorable over a long sleeve white tee and jeans- BOTH perfect for Zack's football games :)

Denise was a lovely host. She made two delish salads...ala Barefoot Contessa. We already have the recipes and will be making them soon.

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