Friday, January 23, 2015

Insta Friday (January 23, 2015)

Oh Insta Friday....I have missed you has certainly been awhile.....
so although this is like an "Insta Month:....I am going with it
Life has been crazy....things they are a changing and I am embracing it all!!
New Year's Day= Dim Sum at a dive

Matching outfits thanks to Mimi

A new fave

My world


Trying to crawl

Mrs. Gronk

Ally's bday cake- 22!!

Hi Pidge!

Damn you Target!

Saw the epic Wegman's- pretty cool

Yep- she's my daugter

My girl

New Year's Eve at the Miller's

Loooonnng overdue post...but so worth it

What a blast we had!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekly Gratitude

This week, I am thankful for.....

The rosary

Blind faith

The unending strength of my husband

That my husband is finally being recognized for all of his hard work