Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dear Diana (You Are 1 Week Old!)

Can you believe you are already one week old? I can't. My heart breaks when I think about our first days in the hospital...I want to grab them back.

The moment I keep reliving is every morning we spent there. The nurses brought you to us every morning at about 6am- well Daddy got you one day and then I called for you the other days. You were always awake at that time and I would hold you...You were all wrapped in white...a white tee shirt and swaddled in a white blanket and you would look up at me...trying desperately to focus...and we would bond. I started calling you my baby in need of a feeding...I am so in love with you.

You have already met so many people and you will never remember this time so I will record these memories for you. After leaving the hospital, you visited Babies R Us so we could purchase your formula and then you came to Shaw's with us so we could get mummy's medicine and some groceries. At home, you were welcomed by your Big Sister Kayla who fed you. You then proceeded to sleep on her chest, in the rocking chair for 2 hours!

You LOVE your swing from Ann Marie so we have let you sleep in that the last two nights. Right now, it seems like you are down to a schedule of sleeping and waking every three hours for a feeding/diaper change. It is rough but we are learning to adjust. I think Bambi has had the hardest time adjusting but she is coming around...she just thinks you are very loud so she has absolutely met her match!

Ally and Zack have both enjoyed you so much already- both have had the opportunity to feed you and all of us can't help but just stare at you endlessly...wondering what you are going to do next!

On Friday, Mimi and Papa Pete came up for the day...they made us lunch and dinner and enjoyed the day bonding with you!

Yesterday, you had your first pediatrician's appointment and you did very well! You didn't cry once! You also got meet Sandy at The Village Bean during our coffee stop and later on, the ladies at Bella Viaggio who all agreed that you will have mummy's wild hair! That only means another customer for them :)

Grammy and Papa have come over twice...last night they brought mummy and daddy chinese for dinner. We waited for hours for you to wake up but no such luck!

My friend Jen from work came to visit yesterday too! She thinks you look like me :)

This morning you enjoyed your first trip to church...we left at communion though so crowds did not get too close..then we did grocery shopping and whisked you through the store with as little contact as possible. You slept the whole time!

We got home to a wonderful basket of food from Cass and Steve- they are soooo generous and thoughtful and true life savers~ don't know what I would do without my Cass!

Today, Mimi and Papa and Uncle Matt and Gina came over to celebrate Uncle Matt's bday AND to celebrate you of course...we enjoyed some apps and cake. The only scary thing that happened was that you projectile spit up while you were sleeping...I freaked out but you didn't seem to mind at barely woke you up~ although there ended up being spit up all over your polo tennis outfit from Daddy said, though, that is what Dreft is for AND he is the laundry champion!

Your cries are so adorable...even your hungry is so angry but how can we get mad at are just too flipping adorable and lovable and we have waited so long for you!

I love you my baby bird

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Diana Mary Breton Enters the World!

Baby Diana was born on Sunday August 24th at 1:02pm at Winchester Hospital...she is the most beautiful little baby girl ever! It was a long and hard labor- 36 hours to be exact. After 3 hours of pushing, I was rushed in for a c section but as so many people have told me, it will all be worth it.

As soon as I looked at her, I found that to be so true. It was soooo worth it and worth the wait and the sleepless nights.

I have always known this is indescribable...she already breaks my heart! I am already so protective of her..guess that is an instinct.

The Series of Events:
On Thursday, as I posted already, I went through 8 hours of testing and thought I would be getting my induction date from Dr. Bose-no such luck.

We went to bed on Friday night..pretty exhausted and frustrated. Then I was woken up at 3am on Saturday by intense cramps. I thought, I wonder if those are contractions?! Well, I waited it out and didn't wake Rob until about 4. At that point, I said, I am taking a shower because I think I am having contractions and don't want to waste time. He said okay.

I got out of the shower and called the doctor- I told her my contractions were very painful and seemed to be 15-20 minutes apart. She suggested to head on in.

We arrived at Winchester at about 5am and I was immediately hooked up to monitors. I would have described it as hard labor but after two hours of testing, they told me I was only in early labor and they insisted I go home! I didn't know how I was going to make it at home, in all this pain. I was so frustrated and tired- I just started crying.

So we went home and got to sleep for a few hours and relax for most of the day. I was so disappointed because here I was again not making any progress BUT now experiencing major pain AND not going to be able to see my cousin Chris get married. I was devastated so I cried alot.

Well progress wasn't my 8pm, I was in so much pain and my contractions were about 5 minutes apart- this time, they said come on in. So we did- we were
back at Winchester by 9 pm and we were not going home this time!

By 2am, I got my epidural and that made a huge difference. It allowed us to sleep for about 3 hours and then all of a sudden a nurse was telling me to try pushing. Alot of the events are jumbled in my mind but I do know that my mom got there before I had to start pushing..I think that was around 7/8 am. At first we thought I was going to deliver this baby vaginally as everyone could start seeing her hair and they told me I was doing such a good job but after 3 hours, the doctor said she felt much better doing the c section..Diana was just getting stuck and not moving any further. She also had a bowel movement in uteran (I know gross) which posed another risk. They did not want her to cry right away..they would need to suction out her mouth and did not want me to freak if I didn't hear her cry.

Well I was crying when I found out I was being rushed in for a c is not that I was dead set against this birthing method BUT I had worked so hard to deliver
the regular way...I felt that it was for nothing.

Like I wrote, however, when I saw her come out with her little mohawk hairdo and wailing cry and beautiful face, I forgot all the pain and work and just felt grateful that she was here.

We just got home today. We spent four days in the hospital and although, at first, I dreaded the thought of the stay, it was so relaxing and very pleasant and such a nice feeling to get such care for me and Diana. The nurses at Winchester are just the best.

We had so many visitors was so fun looking forward to visiting hours each day...who would surprise us today? We saw our parents..(mine every day because my mom works in the hospital and she couldn't help herself- she came up during her coffee break and lunch and before and after work. My Dad is just SMITTEN...he is already attached to is the most precious thing)...the kids came with Grammy and Papa on Sunday night and they were sooo excited! Papa also came back on Wednesday to feed Diana before a round of golf.

We also saw Bill and Steve from work, Cass and her Mom Cathy and Brother Jay who now also works with me, Kim from work, Donna P, Ann-Marie, Ish and Lucy Halliday, My Aunty Mar and Cousin Emily, some of my mom's friends from work, Rob's ex-wife Lisa, Keith "The Fois" Foise and Matt & Gina.

The visitors were a blast and everyone enjoyed holding Diana- some even got to feed her and observe a diaper change or two or three...well (she is already a chowhound!)

I am even more impressed with my wonderful hubby now...I knew he had the experience but he is just wonderful with Diana...he is a natural and he is a nice calming force for me.

Enjoy some of Diana's first pix!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update....Due Date baby yet...was at the doctor's office today from 11:30-3- ultrasound looked good- baby moving...then went on baby monitor for about 45 minutes- Diana's heartbeat seemed to dip a little bit a few times and my blood pressure was slightly elevated. So...they sent me over to Winchester Hospital Labor and Delivery where I went on another baby monitor for about 2 hours- after that, everything looked normal and my blood pressure was down BUT Dr Bose was in a surgery and I ended up waiting for another 2 hours...Rob and I tried to entertain each just gets boring after awhile.

We are grateful that everything is ok BUT very anxious awaiting Baby Diana. So now that my due date is passing, I go back on Monday for a "weight check ultrasound" and then they will determine how fast they will induce me, if at all. We are ALL hoping, I go on my own.

Diana...please come meet us soon! :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


It has been four wonderful years...I know how lucky I am. Not everyone gets to be with the true love of their life...not everyone gets to feel the joy of the right one. I thank God all the time for Rob.

We just celebrated our four year anniversary. Although things are super hectic this year in anticipation of Baby Diana's arrival, we made sure we spent some time being romantic.

Rob got me a book written by couples who have been married for 50 years or more! I got him a CD of all classic love songs sung by some of our favorites like Dean Martin and Sinatra. We also exchanged chocolate treats (yeah one last hoorah before we jump on South Beach)

My mom made us a great dinner on Wed night and she and my dad presented us with a gift certificate to our favorite restaurant SURF! They also will be providing babysitting services for that evening...something we are looking forward to!

Babe, thanks for being you. Through all of the stressful times, hard work, exhaustion and chaos, it is always nice to know we can come home to each other.

Enjoy some pix from the greatest day of our lives!

I love you!!


Well I am 1 centimeter dilated. I know it could be forever but things seem to be winding down. Last week Diana rotated so her back was to my back...I knew exactly when she did it because it HURT! Then as of yesterday, she rotated back into position...thanks goodness! It just makes for an easier push/smoother delivery.

My blood pressure was slightly elevated and I haven't been feeling too well so Dr. Bose ordered some blood work.

I go back on Monday already. Then, if I make it to Thursday (which is actually my due date AND Daddy's bday), I will be having an ultra-sound then put on a monitor for 45 minutes.

Dr. Bose explained that depending on the results of the blood work and my appointments, I could be rushed to Labor and Delivery or sent home...stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bragging About My Hubby's "Mini Deck Garden"

So....we usually attempt to grow flowers every year and every year we fail! This year? I have to give kudos to my hubby! He ROCKED the deck garden this year!

So the flowers look, white and purple petunias and 2 beautiful hisbiscus trees!

THEN...we ventured out and tried herbs and some veggies. WELL...we got Roma Tomatoes!!! They are beautiful AND delicious..yummo! There are more growing now...we just need to wait for them to ripen.

The basil and mint are also growing like mad...I have used basil in some of my homemade Italian dishes like my eggplant parm..lasagna and gravy. The mint? I am saving it for the mojitoes I will make for a girls night....thinking of hosting a Sex in the City party in the fall :)

Enjoy the pix! Thank you to my wonderful hubby and his green thumb this year!! rock!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Siblings

So...everyone always asks me..."How do the kids feel about the baby?" "Are they excited?" "Do you think the kids are nervous about having a baby in the house?"

I thought the blog would be a perfect place to describe my point of view of the kids or "The Siblings!"

In one word, they are EXCITED! Sure the novelty of a new baby may wear off and they may get aggravated or even angry from time to time with a fussy baby, however, they have been just wonderful.

I guess not many people can experience what I am about too. I mean, how many pregnant women out there are also responsible for older stepchildren? I am sure there are some...but not many. Yes...sometimes you feel alone because you wonder...."who can really understand my situation?" I am dealing with stressful teenage issues....the middle child starting to drive...the youngest about to finish middle school already...Most of the time, however, I feel even more safe AND excited.

Zack as everyone knows is just a wonderful human being. He always asks me if I need anything...he will go and get me my pillow and blanket for my naps on the couch...he has helped me with groceries and bending over EVERY TIME I drop something which is often...(if you know me you know I am a huge klutz!) What choked me up the most though? When he told me he loves to go under the baby's crib and just chill sometimes. He also tested out the rocker and practiced reading the baby books. Need I say more?

Ally has assembled most of our essential gear. No I am not kidding. With minimal help from Dad, she amazed us with her tenacity and passion for getting those things the high the the stroller AND the pack and play...I told her she should be an Engineer...she said "I don't want to do a guy's job!" Yes I set her straight :) She also loves to keep tabs on the baby's clothes so often goes snooping in her closet. Ally also helped me unpack everything after our baby shower...she even organized Baby Diana's onesies in one of her drawers...she separated them in piles of 0-3 months, 3-6 months and 9+ months...she is so helpful and you can always depend on her during times of stress...she is another special kid.

Kayla? Last but not least. As you know Kayla is with us all the time now. She has really matured into a responsible and lovely young woman too. We are very proud of her work ethic and the way she is making an effort to reach out to new people, make friends and help those in need. It has been such piece of mind for me to have her home...she reminds me to call down to her (especially when Dad is working at a gig) if I need anything or should I go into labor...she has even offered to drive me to the hospital if Daddy is working. For someone who isn't a huge fan of kids, she too, has been wonderful. It is like having a roommate that I can vent politics with and just chill with. She has helped me to feel less alone and is just a pleasure to have around.

These kids have suffered through this pregnancy with me (all my complaining...fatigue...sickness, etc) AND have enjoyed some of the perks like my cravings along the way...chicken fingers....Mcflurrys....Coldstone Creamery...yeah we got it covered. We have enjoyed many a Friday night with some sweet treats! We have also gotten VERY silly about things at times...Ally and I made up a song for Bambi (our bulldog) about how her life is about to turn to shi....well you get the point!

Lastly, what I can tell you is this: This baby is so lucky to have 3 wonderful siblings...I feel grateful that she has three terrific human beings to look up to.
I know they will teach her about life...protect her and be there over the years...I hope she can return the love that they deserve...I will do my best to encourage their closeness for eternity.

So everyone....Blended families, though more challenging...also offer more rewards in life.

Thank You God.