Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday Favorites (June 30, 2017) are here again Friday....yeah!!

As always, linking up with Andrea, Narci and Erika HERE

Here are a few faves from this week....

Summer Sisters....that's all Work!

Fireworks Night in Windham!

and while we noshed and cocktail'ed....

Daddy gigged in Pelham....

Daddy made it in time for the big show though!

My New Coverup

OMG...I am in love!  Seriously!  I know I will wear this ALL the the Lake...seriously...all and out of the water!

Diana's Summer List

and it is shaping up to be the BEST summer ever! We LOVE making this list and decorating it together :)

Diana's New Bike

Jess and Joe gave us one of Sophie's old bikes and Diana is so motivated to learn  how to ride it- we are all so excited and so appreciative- I think the bike is darling and it actually matches my Pink Beachcomber :)


So...after being at my desk from 7am-4:30pm...after I got dinner and other chores done...and after we made Diana's Summer List of course..we put the kids to bed...Rob went out to do errands and I totally decompressed and thought to myself...this is bliss...need to capture this moment for Friday Favorites...a glass of Sauvignon Blanc...the Cotton Candy Yankee Candle (yes I snagged it on Ebay) and The Secret Life of the American Teenager

Hope you all have an amazing holiday is truly my favorite holiday all year...I am looking forward to fun times with family and friends and a whole bunch of Red, White and Blue!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Peach and Basil Flatbread

A few weeks ago, we headed over to Lea's for dinner.  This is a common theme as I am sure you have read here.  We always trade off and have each other's families over regularly.  (one of my favorite things to do)

She charged me with bringing an app...I made a dessert too but baking isn't my best skill...I won't share my cookie recipe because all I did, seriously, was buy the cookie dough, baked it and placed M and Ms in it.  The kids wiped the cookies out in less than 5 minutes so I guess I would call that a win but the real win was this app I cooked up.  The adults loved it so I thought I would share.

I think it is the perfect little summer app to bring to a dinner party or cookout or to serve to your guests as they are arriving.  I actually made it again when I was hosting wine club and I had it out with prosecco as my guests were was a hit again :) 

Today, I am linking up with Allie again for her "Try It Thursday" Series HERE

Here is what you will need:
Pre-Made Naan, Flatbread or Pizza Crust from the grocery store (the thinner the better for this recipe).   
1 ball of Mozzarella sliced
2 peaches, sliced very thin
Bunch of Basil- chopped/sliced
Olive Oil (I actually used White Truffle Oil for an extra little punch of flavor)
Balsamic Syrup and Honey for Drizzle
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Here is how to put this together:

Preheat Oven to 500 degrees- yes very hot!
Spray down a cookie sheet/pizza pan
Lay out your crusts and drizzle the oil on them
Slice your mozzarella and place on the crust
Then slice your peaches very thinly and place on the crust
Slice/Chop your basil and toss on their too
Drizzle Balsamic Syrup and Honey and then season with Salt and Pepper
Bake for 4-8 minutes or until golden brown and crispy
Slice and Serve!

This pairs well with a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand like Tohu, Kim Crawford or 90+

It is the perfect Summer Indulgence


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What's Up Wednesday (June 2017)

It is my favorite time of the month!  Also, can you believe it is already the end of June?  WHEN did that happen?  Geesh!
Every month, I link up with Mel, Sheaffer and Shay to catch up on all we have been up to.  Linking up today HERE

Here goes nothing!

What We're Eating This Week

Lot of caprese salads with basil picked right from our very own deck!  One of my favorite parts of summer.   I made THIS Strawberry Caprese Salad this weekend!

 and we are grilling every night this week- chicken, steak, pork name it!

What I'm Reminiscing About

Past work experiences lately...and how far I have grateful I am now to be where I am...priceless

What I'm Loving

SUMMER WEATHER....FINALLY!  It is finally hot and sunny and perfect beach weather in these parts- Praise the Lord!

What We've Been Up To

We enjoyed BOTH dance recitals for our girls- CNDC and LDA!

We enjoyed our EIGHTH Strawberry Festival- especially when Daddy was in the dunk tank!

We participated in all of the fun and rewarding academic recognition nights in town - Rob for School Board and Me for PTA- both of us honored

and Diana enjoyed all of the End-Of-The-School Year Festivities like Western Round Up Day and Field Day!

Mama enjoyed some quality time with friends this month- painting with neighbor friends, hosting wine club and such....

A Date Night....Finally!

(including the first feet in the ocean for the year!)

A Return To Griffin Park!

There was more golf...and our first couples' golf tournament- "Lobstah Trap!"

Mama celebrated her 10 year Blogaversary!

Diana celebrated the end of lacrosse season!

and Eva celebrated the end of the gymnastics season!

We celebrated Father's Day with our Favorite Dads!

and we celebrated the last day of school!

We enjoyed steamers at the beach!

and Skills Camp!

and we finally got to the beach and swam our hearts out!

What I'm Dreading

Honestly?  A Boot Camp program I am starting in a few weeks- absolutely dreading it but so need the kick in the pants!

What I'm Working On

Getting more business at work...putting some accent touches in a few rooms in our home....and keeping the kids occupied before camp starts!

What I'm Excited About

Lots of quality time with friends and family this summer....and lots of that time hopefully spent at the beach!

What I'm Watching/Reading

So Rob and I binge-watched Billions and LOVED IT.  We cannot wait for Season 3 but we have to wait until the first of the year- BOO.

I also just started binge-watching
The Secret Life of the American Teenager (and I really like it)

I'm really looking forward to some of our favorites returning this summer like Vice Principals and Odd Mom Out- woohoo!

I just finished Silver Girl by Elin Hilderbrand
One of my favorite authors but this one was slow...slow...slow...not one of my favorite Hilderbrand novels...

That was my book for June.
I decided to change things up a bit for July and I am starting to read a mystery "Right Behind You" by Lisa Gardner- stay tuned!

What I'm Listening To

Lots of jazz recently..especially Siriux XM Siriusly Sinatra

What I'm Wearing

In addition to my regular Lilly finds on Ebay...I have been all about the LOFT this summer so far!  

Have you ever benefited from one of their "Flash Sales?"  Friends...if don't know what you are missing!  I have hit two flash sales so far and snagged my tops for 50% off...seriously!

Keep checking back...they tend to offer one Flash sale every week or two!
So...on to my finds....

First this flutter tee...I love it...I snagged it in Cobalt Blue and White

Next this adorable pink and beige sleeveless top with tassels

and lastly, this "lemonade" one shoulder ruffle top...I think you know by now how much I adore ruffles!

What I'm Doing This Weekend

We are headed to Portland Maine with my parents and we are excited for some quality time by the sea!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

So much more summer fun...
time at the beach...the ocean...time at the lake...woohoo!

What Else Is New?

We are taking a break from the "Griswold Garden" this year...I just wasn't feeling it...and maybe I will elaborate eventually...but just not today

Bonus Question For The Month:
What is My Favorite 4th of July Tradition?

It is my favorite holiday all year really so my favorite thing to do is to celebrate with family or friends...whether it is at the beach or home and making sure we have touches of red, white and blue all around us!

That's a Wrap!  Can't wait to see what you all have been up to!